Artist Statement

My creative process encompasses crochet, sewing, and painting. Each piece is approached as a blank canvas, with no patterns or sketches used—the creatures' forms emerge organically as I crochet. The natural progression of the material informs my process, connecting each idea to the next. In this sense the characters are born, not made, ensuring each piece is one of a kind.
I employ bespoke materials, handcrafting yarns by intertwining ribbons, yarn, and fabrics to form unique canvases for each piece. Despite each piece's uniqueness, my work has distinctive features. An eyepatch, bloodshot eyes, and the signature mouth have become an unconscious iconography of the Pieces 4 Foxes line.

My work is a blend of childlike wonder, enduring anxiety, and a gallows humour that has been my steadfast companion through life.

Pieces 4 Foxes embraces and balances the tension between play and grotesquerie, revealing a deeper joy in our unexplored realms.